Strategy server in Bavaria

Heusch/Boesefeldt was commissioned by the Bavarian Road Administration to build a strategy server for Bavaria with an information transfer to the MDM (mobility data market place). The strategy server determines the rerouting strategies based on the control measures of the network control system. These are processed geographically so that the recommended strategic routes are available as an edited data source. Among other things, the system supports applications of automated and connected driving.

For this purpose, the signpost states of the Nuremberg-Fischbach active traffic management system (ATMS) and the München-Nord (A 9/A 92/A 99) and Messe München (A99/A94) network control systems are retrieved and the strategic route recommendations of the network control system are determined. The data, including the route recommendations, are converted into DATEX II format and passed on to the MDM, which makes them available to third parties, such as other service providers.

In addition, the strategy server graphically processes the current states of the display panels and the roadside variable message signs and provides an image of the display panel as graphical information.

For monitoring, it has a browser-based graphical user interface (GUI) on the basis of a digital map. By means of dynamic, zoomable map displays, the current states of the displays and active route recommendations can be visualized.

Currently, the strategy server is being updated and extended to include all Bavarian systems. The data northern Bavaria will be provided in DATEX-II format and combined with the converted data from southern Bavaria into one publication and sent to the MDM. All FG1 and FG3 data are also transmitted to the MDM as an all-Bavarian publication. By supporting automated and connected driving applications, the strategy server becomes an important source of information for cooperative applications.