Traffic Center Germany
Further development of the Hesse traffic control center into a central E21X system
Within the framework of the E21X project, initiated by Hessen Mobil, the basis for a new Traffic Center Hessen (VZH) was created. When Die Autobahn GmbH des Bundes took over the tasks of managing the highways, the VZH became the Traffic Center Germany (VZD).
The VZD is a central system of German traffic management. In the future, it is to take over the coordination of all German traffic centers. As part of the E21X project, Heusch/Boesefeldt created the basic data and telematics platform lots.
The Basic Data lot includes all functionalities for cross-segment traffic-related configuration and for the use and maintenance of geodata.
The E21X system is based on a service-oriented architecture in which all modules of the individual segments are integrated. Central functions are made available on the integration platform for all services. This includes user management with Keycloak, which is also used by the basic data. The basic data in turn provides functions such as the configuration service and the geo service for the other services.
The configuration service is designed generically and is used here for the management of the TLS configurations of the TLS compliant infrastructure. In addition, the configuration service includes a version management. The geoservice manages the geographic map based on an OpenStreetMap (OSM) and the location code list (LCL) and kilometerization of the relevant roads. The geoservice also includes a version management.
For a more simplified representation of the superordinate road network, a user-editable schematic map has been implemented.
For the data distribution the functions of the Kafka of the E21X basic functions are used.
All display functions and editors were implemented as web GUIs, which ensure automatic updating of dynamic data.